Para el día Internacional de la mujer, en colaboración con la Kolectiva Fem y Tuki Studio, creamos este video para concientizar la lucha feminista.
En este video ilustré, animé y también realicé el voice over.
For the International Day of Women, in collaboration with Kolectiva Fem and Tuki Studio, we created this video to continue the conversation regarding the feminist fight.
In this video I illustrated, animated and even did the voice over.
En este video ilustré, animé y también realicé el voice over.
For the International Day of Women, in collaboration with Kolectiva Fem and Tuki Studio, we created this video to continue the conversation regarding the feminist fight.
In this video I illustrated, animated and even did the voice over.
También creamos este video divertido para ejemplificar el proceso.
We also created this fun video to show the process.
We also created this fun video to show the process.